Directed by Philip Franks and starring Matthew Kelly and David Yelland, Ghost Light and The Original Theatre Company’s co-production of The Habit of Art performed at the Theatre Royal York has received glowing reviews at the start of its national tour. Alan Bennett’s 2009 comedy imagines a meeting between the poet W.H. Auden and the composer Benjamin Britten.
“The result is a take on life, sexuality, death and everything, that is witty, moving, laugh-aloud funny and understatedly profound… Philip Franks’s unshowy direction is text-true, his cast uniformly stunning” – The Guardian 5*
“Kelly and Yelland are on top form heading an ensemble who highlight the way that art is both magical and mundane…ambitious, revealing and hugely entertaining.” – The Times 4*
“At times hilarious, at others moving, but always deeply human. Thought-provoking and expertly played, this is not a production to be missed.” – Broadway World 5*
The Habit of Art has completed its run at the Theatre Royal York and will be moving to the Theatre Royal Brighton from 11th-15th September. It will continue touring until 1st December 2018.
For more information about the tour and how to get tickets click here.