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Kan Yama Kan

Kan Yama Kan

Role: Executive Producers and General Managers

Partner: Wonderjunkie Limited


Dates: 2nd February - 14th February 2022


A large-scale international adaption of The 1001Arabian Nights by Jude Christian, directed and choreographed by WillTuckett with design by the acclaimed 59 Productions; Kan Yama Kan had it worldpremiere in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in February 2022.


Blurring thelines between the fantastical and the real, Kan Yama Kan re-interprets ahandful of stories from the 1001 Nights, through the frame of a young couple onthe eve of their wedding.


The show features originalmusic composition; world-class musicians performing live; a versatileinternational ensemble of dancers; state of the art puppetry; art projections;narrative storytelling in Arabic and a company representing over 16nationalities.




Original Concept – Zeina Ashour

Director and Choreographer -Will Tuckett

Writer – Jude Christian

Design – 59 Productions

Lighting Design – NatashaChivers

Costume Design – Fay Fullerton

Composer – Paul Clark

Sound Design – Max Pappenheim

Wigs Hair and Makeup Design –Campbell Young



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